Archive for June, 2011

The Association of student  journalist in the university of Buea[ASJUB]will tomorrow June 3rd 2011 celebrate the 16th edition of its open door day.This will be celebrated at the open commons of the university  under the theme ’21st century corporate communication,challenges and prospects.Sponsored by Orange Cameroon S.A the ocassion shall have as guest speakers Roland Ghislain Chumbang,communication Manager for AES Sonel,Dr.Bony Dashoco CEO ARMAN Partner Douala.talks will be welcomed from these guets and the day shall also witness the awrd of prices to students and lecturers from the department.worth noting is the fact that its is an activity to crown asjubs academic year.this shall be followed by a gala at mermoz banquet hall buea

I really don’t know why, neither can i say why.  I really can’t say all, same as i do not have anything at all to say on this one. It’s so confusing, so frustrating, unbelievable and more like a dead-end where you see no other possible route to explore or create to venture.

Just like a dream where you don’t know how you got there but suddenly find yourself in a well furnished luxurious suite and the next minute, it’s like another Pandora Tomorrow scene where you don’t know whether or not your mission will be successful, man is ever so changing.

Despite all facts, one evident fact remains; Man never fails his task of being complex. In simple terms the fact that man has many several forms and can portray them in many ways does not only bring out the cunning nature of man, or the unreliability, but the Inconsistent nature which defines all beings.

There as such are some questions which can be asked whereas there are other questions which need not be put forth at all. Man’s nature should not be questioned cause today it’s one way and tomorrow another.

Be happy with the friends/acquaintances you make today and be happier if you see them tomorrow as you saw them yesterday. Be happiest if they stay a life long time. Don’t get upset if what is today isn’t tomorrow. Rather be grateful that you had the chance cause what is today, definitely won’t be tomorrow.

Seasons Of Life

Posted: June 1, 2011 in Reality

There is a generality in the mannerism in which we live our day-to-day lives here on earth. There are sunny days, gloomy days and sometimes you’re just so indifferent with virtually every decision or action you take.

These Seasons come along with how you develop them and grow with them. Depending on what you do and how you do it, you can make a single day a happy day with lots of golden memories to keep and share a life long time while that same day can end up a very miserable one.

However, there are two types of factors which influence the way these Seasons fluctuate. These factors are some how interwoven. Firstly, you have the Direct Influence Aspects (D.I.A), which deal with the individual and his actions, both intentional and non-intentional and secondly, you have the External Influence Aspects(E.I.A), which obviously deal with environmental aspects such as family, peers and everything external to the individual. What we must understand is that Man in all possible ways will seek for means to get a happy life. Joy and Peace are the best fruits of achieving a happy life, no matter your status in the society. Some will rather sacrifice a thing or two just to get happy while others may even get to extremes of doing right or wrong just to get happy.

The D.I.A is the most important in our lives because we have full access and control over it. With our behaviour patterns, actions and decisions, we shape how our lives turn out to be. We give it a route to follow. You want it good, you will get it and the same goes vice-versa. But then, this is the part of life which faces the greatest challenges of both factors. A slight error in whatever decision or action you take can become very fatal to your personality and life stand. You may fall into severe depressions and live the rest of your life regretting the action you took. We therefore must uphold this aspect with great degrees of importance.

The E.I.A is all about how the environment influences our behaviour, actions and decisions. We must also note here that we Humans are not islands and can never stand alone in a society. We are born into a society and must interact with our environment (society) in order to survive. These factors have a range of elements ranging from your family background, your peers, your life partners, etc. However their influence on you the individual all depends on whether you flow with its changing winds of time and space or you stand your ground in certain areas. Its influence therefore isn’t so direct as the above because you decide whether or not to accept its influence. You also cannot avoid its existence.

A lot more can be said about those aspects. But briefly said, you can of course make meaning of what these Seasons are and how you can control and change them. Life at any times can become difficult same as it can become easy. Good or Bad, they are Seasons of life. It all depends on how you take on life and adjust to its seasons.