Archive for the ‘campus news’ Category

The Association of student  journalist in the university of Buea[ASJUB]will tomorrow June 3rd 2011 celebrate the 16th edition of its open door day.This will be celebrated at the open commons of the university  under the theme ’21st century corporate communication,challenges and prospects.Sponsored by Orange Cameroon S.A the ocassion shall have as guest speakers Roland Ghislain Chumbang,communication Manager for AES Sonel,Dr.Bony Dashoco CEO ARMAN Partner Douala.talks will be welcomed from these guets and the day shall also witness the awrd of prices to students and lecturers from the department.worth noting is the fact that its is an activity to crown asjubs academic year.this shall be followed by a gala at mermoz banquet hall buea

The University Of Buea school calender has been pushed forward.It is said to have  been increased  to 2 weeks ahead than  the school calender had earlier  stipulated.This push forward is contained in a press release signed  by the institutes Boss  Professor P.k.Titandji.

The University of Buea Association Of Management  Students (UBAMS) were yesterday may 18th, 2011 trained in a workshop under the theme Basic Computer Operations And The Power To R e invent Yourself.The workshop which saw the coming together of students from different departments of the university took place at the Amphi Theatre 150E  in the university of Buea.Students were trained in ares like microsoft word,microsoft excel,power to reinvent yourself,the power point and also on basic internet exploring.

Still in line with the theme,the registrar of Trustech Institute,Ngwa Landry,explained to students  on how to get about microsoft word and this he said would help them go about their projects and assignments.

A JCI trainer Ngwa Jackson on his part advised these prospective managers on how to rediscover themselves given that every individual has a unique talent.At the end of the workshop,the president of the Association ;f Management Students together with other students present expressed their satisfaction.